Real Families – Real Problems

In this thread I am going to continuously update you with the ailments and or diseases that everyday families have had to deal with. But with that I will also add their stories of what is helping to relieve symptoms naturally. There are things that have no cure, of course, but if they can share with us what has helped with the quality of life that they do have, isn’t it worth it?


I will try to post the disease or ailment as the title, but as most of us know, one ailment usually umbrellas a whole other group. So I will try to add those as tags so they are searchable as well.


Please feel free to share anything that you would like to help the ones that you love.

Fundraising Jackpot!



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I just have to share what I have learned (first hand) recently. The fundraising bar has been raised. How many times have you been to a fundraising dinner or raffle and end the evening with a couple thousand dollars? Which is great but how does fifty to one hundred thousand dollars sound to you in one evening?

Yes, you read that right. This is almost too good to be true. Will this work for everybody? Absolutely not. But could it? Absolutely it could. People go to fundraisers to help out a cause or someone they know and love.  So the way we ran this fundraiser is that the people who participated didn’t just give away their money, they actually were purchasing things that they really wanted. Win win.

This particular fund-raiser had about 450 to 500 people who participated. A lot but not really unusual. The folks don’t even need a lot of money. The average was like thirty dollars. OK so this just keeps getting better, 90% of the participants ended up getting almost as much as the person that needed the fundraiser. What? Does that even make sense? Yes, yes it does. It was amazing.

Let me give you a downside. I know, I know, there is always a catch. You would not get the money that night. But your check will be mailed out on the 15th of the next month. Oh ya and one more thing, you will receive a check each and every month from there on out for the rest of your life. Those checks wont be as much as that first one but will still be pretty darn good.

Trust me when I say that everyone walks away more than happy. Will everyone do it? No. There is always someone that wont get it, but that is alright. The majority will. If there are only 20 people who show up it would still work, but the initial check would only be like $1000 to $2000. Still not bad, but a big difference from $100,000.00.

There are so many more benefits that I haven’t even mentioned, but you get the idea. It is just mind-boggling how amazing the opportunity really is.

Being a Leader


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The one thing that has been on my mind for the past couple of days is how to be a leader. I find myself in that position and it feels good.

As most of you know I have my own business and my team is growing every day. As we grow there are more and more people looking at me for direction or advice. Which isn’t a bad thing.

My life journey has always been to help people in any way that I can and now I have the power to not only help, but to change their lives. I swear this company was built and formed with me in mind. Thank you.

So getting back to being a leader, I want to lead by example. Honesty, integrity and hard work. And when my team follows in my footsteps they will be rewarded in so many ways. But I would like to add an incentive to not only help keep them motivated but to also personally reward them and let them know that I appreciate their honesty, integrity and hard work.

I am starting the incentives today. As soon as I write up the team message It will be official. Wish me luck!!!

Common Ailments


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Today I would like to talk about some of the common ailments that either we all have or have had or know someone who does. Most of you will be quite surprised to find out that there is help without any side effects.



High cholesterol

High blood pressure







Periodontal Disease





Macular Degeneration





There are so many more ailments that we can help safely and efficiently. Think about the prescription drugs that we all take and now think about all the side effects that they could cause. Most of us would love to treat our ailments naturally but sometimes it is a huge pain in the butt to get all the ingredients or if they are easy to get they are probably too expensive to keep buying month after month. This is where people like me come in and educate you on a safer less expensive way to get healthy. The worse side effect that you will encounter is more energy! Of course you will feel better, be less tired and want to tell everyone…but those are all great things, right?

I should say on here that we are not claiming that we can cure you or whatever but I can GUARANTEE you that you will feel better in less than three months!

Feel free to comment here or shoot me an email at for more information or just questions. Have a great day everyone!!!

Exercise by way of Lawn Mowing


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If you hadn’t noticed I did not get any extra exercise in yesterday, but I did work at my JOB which consists of being on my feet on cement floors all day.

I live in Maine and the past couple of days have been wicked hot and muggy. I live in a big farm-house surrounded by fields on top of a big hill so we usually have a nice breeze to cool us down. Well it didn’t help. We have huge lawns so obviously a riding lawn mower is the most practical. It died last week and I can’t stand a messy lawn so guess what I just got done doing? Yup. I dug out the push mower.

Let me just say that I haven’t used a push mower since I was a teenager. Now I remember why. It is actual physical work. I was sweating like a pig. My skin was glistening. Ha ha Somehow I managed to get the two side lawns and the front yard done. But was in the middle of mowing the fenced in garden/grand baby play area when it ran out of gas. Amen! I knew that there was more gas out in the shed and the two big lawns and the lane to do but I didn’t care. The lawn mower sits where it is and I came in the house and downed my water and am still soaking up the ac.

My body is physically sore. My hands have blisters and they havent stopped tingling. So I am considering this my work out for today…and yesterday.

Day One of Zumba Experience


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So this morning I was really feeling horrible about my weight and fitness level. I made a post on Facebook looking for someone to help hold me accountable. Well, I ended up finding a Zumba workout for beginners on you tube. I tried it. I almost died.

Let me start out by saying that if I didn’t know that I didn’t have rhythm before…I definitely know that I don’t have any now. Wow! I have never seen anything like it in my life.

The video was 45 minutes long and I was doing everything in my power to keep up. I was sweating, huffing and puffing. Can I also add that my body movement doesn’t look anything like the girls in the video. More like a beached whale. Hips swinging and arms flailing at all times. She lost me in the first minute and a half, but I thought it would count for something if I just kept swinging those hips.

Finally the cool down and stretching came. I seriously thought I was dying. No joke. Then just as I go to sit down and guzzle water the video began part two. Are you kidding me? I looked at the clock and only 20-25 minutes had passed. I was only half way through. So, of course I didn’t feel right just watching and not doing so I got right up and grabbed the remote and shut the damn thing off. I was done.

Prescription Drugs


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This is a big one for me. I have never done actual research, but from my own personal experience 99.9% of us are on some sort of prescription drug. Seriously? Why? Because of our lifestyle? Our food that we are eating? The way our food is grown or prepared? Stress? It is all crazy. I am on some and I still know it is crazy!

Have you noticed (ha ha like you can avoid them) the commercials for all the new prescription drugs? They get your attention by announcing some help to relieve the symptoms of whatever it is that is ailing you and then they have this long, very long list of side effects that are worse than the problem that you started with. Really? Possibility of death…ya thanks but I am all set, my heartburn isn’t that bad. lol

The thing that gets me is that we all know there are safer and even more effective treatments for our problems that would have no negative side effects at all, but we just don’t know how to get them so we stick with what our doctors give us and then we need three more prescriptions to help with the side effects of the original. Craziness.

What are your thoughts on this?

My Mission


My mission for today is to talk about total wellness in our lives. I want to hear from you and what you think total wellness means. When I say total I mean exactly that. Financial, health, personal and spiritual. I want to see how many of us have fallen into the wellness trap. Stick around and share your thought. That is why I created this blog.